
To contact the Academy staff, please use the staff directory below or call us at (317) 237-4237. General inquiries may be sent to Missy Lewis Deeter.


Chris Barry (Email)
Director, Education & Communications

Continuing Medical Education (CME), Frontline Physician magazine, IAFP Today e-newsletter, website issues, educational grants, Commission on Education & CME, Research Day Committee

Emily Bohannon (Email)
Director, Membership & Development

Meeting and CME registration, exhibit opportunities, marketing/sponsorships, event RSVPs, membership, annual awards, updating contact information, product theaters and other non-CME opportunities, Commission on Membership & Communications, Physician of the Day, practice management, non-dues revenue

Missy Lewis Deeter (Email)
Deputy Executive Vice President

Governance, accounts receivable, accounts payable, annual planning, strategic planning, IAFP Foundation, Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Nominating Committee, Commission on Legislation, Commission on Health Care Services, student and resident activities, state and federal legislative issues, IAFP Policy, IAFP PAC, Congress of Delegates

Your Academy staff - including our Executive Vice President, Kevin Speer, JD - represents a combined 80+ years of advocating for family physicians in Indiana!