
In an effort to recognize the achievements and dedication of our members, the IAFP Board of Directors invites members to honor their peers with the following awards each year. 

Lester D. Bibler Award for long-term service and leadership in Family Medicine 

A. Alan Fischer Award for outstanding contributions to family medicine education 

Richard D. Feldman Award for relentless dedication in public service

Nominations opened on February 1. The link to submit a nomination is below. You will need to upload a current CV for the nominee and at least one letter of endorsement from a colleague of the nominee. The submission deadline is Tuesday, April 1. Award recipients will be recognized during the IAFP Annual Convention in French Lick (July 17-20, 2025). Questions may be directed to Emily Bohannon.

Submit a Nomination

Outstanding Resident Award

Nominations for the Outstanding Resident Award are only accepted from the nominee's program director. Nominations must include a letter of nomination from the program director, a curriculum vita, a letter of support from a member of the program faculty or other IAFP member, and 2) a letter of support from someone not affiliated with the residency program. The submission deadline is Tuesday, April 1. The recipient will be recognized before their peers at Research Day on Thursday, May 15. Questions may be directed to Emily Bohannon.

Submit a Nomination